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Dr. S
Jun 15, 2020
The Coveted Collection part 5: Friends
How many of you have ever heard that being friends with women is hard? Ever been on the receiving end of having a homegirl that was just...
Dr. S
Jun 8, 2020
The Coveted Collection part 4: Hair
If you’ve been reading this blog series, you may be wondering if I was ever satisfied with anything about myself! I know right... it’s...
Dr. S
Jun 1, 2020
The Coveted Collection part 3: Body Image
Growing up I was always trying to figure out my body, what I liked, what I didn’t like, who I wanted to look like or did I want to be...
Dr. S
May 25, 2020
The Coveted Collection part 2: Family
My origin story may be fairly typical, though I didn’t realize that as a young child. I remember growing up in a home with my mom and...
Dr. S
May 18, 2020
The Coveted Collection part 1: Whiteness
If you’re in your forties, you may recall Whoopi Goldberg’s 1985 comedy special on Broadway. In it, she portrayed a number of characters...
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